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Janmashtami, also known as Gokulashtami, is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna. It is observed on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada. Janmashtami is a time for prayer, fasting, singing devotional songs, and reenacting various episodes from Lord Krishna's life.

On this auspicious day, devotees decorate their homes and temples with flowers, lights, and images of Lord Krishna. They prepare delicious sweets and dishes as offerings to the deity. The festival is marked by joyous celebrations, including dances, dramas, and processions in various cities and towns.

The highlight of Janmashtami is the Dahi Handi ritual, where young men form human pyramids to break a pot filled with curd, symbolizing Krishna’s love for butter. Devotees believe that participating in Janmashtami rituals and prayers brings peace, prosperity, and blessings from Lord Krishna.