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Chandrayaan is India's first lunar exploration mission, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 2008. It aimed to explore the Moon's surface and search for water and precious minerals. Chandrayaan successfully discovered water molecules on the Moon's surface, making India the fourth country to achieve this feat.

The spacecraft consisted of an orbiter and an impactor, which landed on the Moon's surface. Chandrayaan's mission was to create a 3D map of the Moon's surface and study the variation in its composition. The imagery captured by Chandrayaan provided valuable insights into the Moon's geology and composition.

Chandrayaan's success sparked national pride and put India on the map as a key player in space exploration. The mission's findings have paved the way for future lunar missions and expanded humanity's understanding of the Moon. The images captured by Chandrayaan continue to inspire and educate people about India's contribution to space exploration.