Banada Ashtami, also known as Banadashtami, is a Hindu festival celebrated in the state of Karnataka, India. It is dedicated to the goddess Banashankari, an incarnation of Parvati. The festival falls on the eighth day of the waxing moon in the Hindu month of Ashwin.
Devotees observe fasts and offer prayers to seek the blessings of Banashankari for health, prosperity, and well-being. The festival is marked by elaborate rituals, including special puja ceremonies and processions. Images of Banashankari decorated with flowers and dyes are carried through the streets amidst chants and bhajans.
Banada Ashtami is a time for community gatherings and sharing of traditional dishes. The festival is a vibrant celebration of faith and devotion, bringing together people from all walks of life. The colorful images of the festival capture the spirit of devotion and festivity that surrounds Banada Ashtami.
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